Use this Excel Date Picker to select dates for a worksheet cell, or create a quick month or year calendar to sheet.To manually apply the date format to a cell or group of cells, select the HOME menu, expand the Number dropdown and choose short or long date. Though Excel tries its best to auto-recognize data types, it doesn’t always succeed. Like numbers, currency, time and others, the date is a quintessential number format in Excel.
By default they are emitting input event when the day (for date picker) or month (for month picker), but with. Date pickers come in two orientation variations, portrait (default) and landscape. NOTE: In order for the date picker to be displayed in other PDF Viewers they must support JavaScript form field formatting and have JavaScript enabled. Even though this is transparent to the users this date picker is implemented through JavaScript interaction.
Select cell C2, and name it as ScrollBarSel. On the AdminDates worksheet, in cells B2:C3, enter labels for the scroll bar date cells, and put borders around cells C2:C3. The scroll bar will be linked to a cell, so you'll name a cell on the AdminDates worksheet.